"In cursul ultimei perioade au fost date comunicate despre faptul că Patriarhia Ecumenică și însuși Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Bartolomeu, urmărește cu multă atenție evoluțiile și ciocnirile armate din regiunea Orientului Mijlociu, care se extind, cât și persecutarea creştinilor care au loc. Astfel, Preafericirea Sa, Patriarhul Bartolomeu, și-a exprimat în diferite feluri, până în prezent, îngrijorarea sa legată de marele potop al refugiaților. În acest sens, el a comunicat în luna februarie, prin reprezentantul său, cu Sanctitatea Sa, Papa Francisc, și, pe 30 martie i-a trimis o scrisoare cu privire la acest subiect.
In cadrul acestui viu interes și din cauza îngrijorărilor comune a liderilor religioși, precum și necesității imperative de a lua inițiativă și de a acționa împreună pentru sensibilizarea opiniei publice internaționale și a organismelor și actorilor competenți, Sanctitatea Sa, Papă al Romei, Francisc, Preafericirea Sa Patriarhul Ecumenic Bartolomeu și Preafericirea Sa, Arhiepiscopul Atenei și a toată Grecia, Arhiepiscopul Ieronim vor vizita în curând insula Lesbos pentru a comunica cu refugiații care se găsesc acolo și pentru a-i sprijini.
Acestă inițiativă a liderilor religioși va sprijini și reconforta mii de refugiați greu încercați și va favoriza luarea de inițiative adecvate pentru protecția Comunităților creștine foarte încercate cat și gestionarea corectă a problemelor majore a refugiaților".
UPDATE (8 aprilie 2016):
Plans are for Roman Catholic church head Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartolomeos and the head of the Greek Church, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus, together to visit refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos.
This emerged after a meeting on April 5 of the Holy Synod, the governing body of the Church of Greece, over which Hieronymus presided.
Hieronymus told the Synod that Pope Francis had expressed a desire to visit Greece, to build awareness among the international community of the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the wider Mediterranean area and in the Middle East that were strongly affecting Christian communities, but also had led to a major humanitarian crisis for desperate refugees seeking a better future in Europe.
A Greek Church statement said that the Holy Synod had accepted the proposal for the Pope to visit an Aegean island because it would be a one-day, non-protocol and “clear humanitarian and symbolic visit”.
The Holy Synod decided to propose a visit to Lesbos, which it described as one of the many islands that had deeply experienced and still experienced the tragedy of the refugee problem.
It noted that this was at a time that Greece, in spite of major problems, was bearing on its shoulders the brunt of refugee flows.
“A Greece called upon to prove, even alone, that Europe principles and values still exist,” the Holy Synod said.
The Synod said that it further decided, especially given that the unity of the Orthodox Christian churches was being tested, to invite Ecumenical Patriarch Bartolomeos. In the world Orthodox Christian community, among the leaders of the church, the Ecumenical Patriarch is officially regarded as “first among equals”.
The personality and authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch, together with the gravity of the presence of Pope Francis, would send the world a very strong signal about alleviating the problems of refugees and simultaneously, a call for appropriate action to protect Christians suffering cruelly in the wider region of the Middle East, the Greek Church said.
No date for the visit has been announced but Greek media reports said that April 14 and 15 were possible dates.
Într-un comunicat
emis marţi, 5 aprilie 2016, Sfântul Sinod Permanent al Bisericii
Ortodoxe a Greciei a anunţat intenţia papei Francisc de a vizita Grecia,
pentru a contribui la sensibilizarea comunităţii internaţionale faţă de
problema refugiaţilor.
Pentru această vizită, Sfântul Sinod a propus insula Lesbos, una dintre insulele Greciei care a experimentat intens şi continuă să experimenteze tragica problemă a refugiaţilor.Astfel, a fost adresată o invitaţie papei Francisc, dar şi Sanctităţii Sale Bartolomeu, Patriarhul Ecumenic al Constantinopolului.
Personalitatea şi autoritatea Patriarhului Ecumenic, împreună cu importanţa prezenţei papei Francisc, transmit până la marginile lumii un semnal puternic de alarmă către comunitatea internaţională în vederea atenuării problemei refugiaţilor şi, în acelaşi timp, pentru a lua măsurile necesare de protejare a creştinilor sever afectaţi din regiunea extinsă a Orientului Mijlociu şi a altor semeni de-ai noştri încercaţi.Prezenţa Patriarhului Ecumenic în insula Lesbos cu prilejul vizitei papei Francisc a fost confirmat printr-un comunicat emis tot marţi de Secretariatul Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe a Constantinopolului, în care se afirmă că
această măsură şi iniţiativă a liderilor religioşi va încuraja şi întări miile de refugiaţi încercaţi şi va inspira implementarea de acţiuni corespunzătoare în vederea protejării comunităţilor creştine aflate în dificultate şi a abordării corecte a situaţiei critice a refugiaţilor.Conform presei greceşti, papa Francisc se va întâlni în perioada 14-15 aprilie cu Patriarhul Ecumenic Bartolomeu, Arhiepiscopul Ieronim al Atenei, dar şi cu preşedintele Republicii Elene, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, şi premierul grec Alexis Tsipras.
A visit by Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I to
the island of Lesbos was announced Wednesday by church and government
officials in Greece, NPR’s Sylvia Poggioli reports.
The Vatican confirmed the visit on Thursday, the Associated Press says. The trip is planned for April 16.
Both religious leaders have recently drawn attention to the plight of migrants and refugees.
“The son of Italian immigrants to Argentina, Francis has spoken out forcefully about the need for Europe to open its doors and heart to people fleeing persecution and poverty,” Sylvia says.
The pontiff has been an outspoken critic of a recent deal between the EU and Turkey to deport migrants who arrive in Greece back to Turkey. That agreement went into effect this week, with more than 200 people deported from Greek islands.
The pope washed and kissed the feet of asylum-seeking refugees outside Rome on Holy Thursday, leading up to Easter.
The ecumenical patriarch, known as the “first among equals” among the leaders of the Orthodox church, held a prayer vigil for refugees in November and dedicatedhis Christmas proclamation in 2015 to the state of refugees. He said that Jesus was a “political refugee” in his time and called those who persecute refugees “modern-day Herods,” a reference to the king who, according to the Bible, ordered the death of every male infant in Bethlehem.
Lesbos is the destination for the church leaders, and Joanna Kakissis, reporting for NPR from Athens, says it’s a logical choice: it’s where hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees arrived last year, and where many of those currently facing deportation are located.
Joanna just returned from a trip to Lesbos, and described the conditions there on Morning Edition:
The Vatican confirmed the visit on Thursday, the Associated Press says. The trip is planned for April 16.
Both religious leaders have recently drawn attention to the plight of migrants and refugees.
“The son of Italian immigrants to Argentina, Francis has spoken out forcefully about the need for Europe to open its doors and heart to people fleeing persecution and poverty,” Sylvia says.
The pontiff has been an outspoken critic of a recent deal between the EU and Turkey to deport migrants who arrive in Greece back to Turkey. That agreement went into effect this week, with more than 200 people deported from Greek islands.
The pope washed and kissed the feet of asylum-seeking refugees outside Rome on Holy Thursday, leading up to Easter.
The ecumenical patriarch, known as the “first among equals” among the leaders of the Orthodox church, held a prayer vigil for refugees in November and dedicatedhis Christmas proclamation in 2015 to the state of refugees. He said that Jesus was a “political refugee” in his time and called those who persecute refugees “modern-day Herods,” a reference to the king who, according to the Bible, ordered the death of every male infant in Bethlehem.
Lesbos is the destination for the church leaders, and Joanna Kakissis, reporting for NPR from Athens, says it’s a logical choice: it’s where hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees arrived last year, and where many of those currently facing deportation are located.
Joanna just returned from a trip to Lesbos, and described the conditions there on Morning Edition:
“The migrant camp on Lesbos is basically a prison. At least 3,000 people are held in a former army barracks behind this tall wrought-iron fence. Greek police have orders from the government to chase away any journalists who talk to refugees even through that fence.
“I did manage to talk to a couple of people including a young woman from Syria … who actually wants to be a journalist. She says the camp is crowded and scary, that there’s not enough food and people were sleeping outside. She’s seen fights break out, she’s heard people talking about hurting themselves — this is just not a safe place, she says.”A visit by the pope and the ecumenical patriarch will be “a huge statement of empathy toward refugees,” Joanna says — and an embarrassment for the EU and Turkish leaders who made the widely criticized plan for deporting new arrivals to Turkey.
“I’ve been sending her text messages this morning about the pope and she says, ‘I would love to meet him.’ “
Sursa: Pravmir, Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew Will Visit Greece This Month
Plans are for Roman Catholic church head Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartolomeos and the head of the Greek Church, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus, together to visit refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos.
This emerged after a meeting on April 5 of the Holy Synod, the governing body of the Church of Greece, over which Hieronymus presided.
Hieronymus told the Synod that Pope Francis had expressed a desire to visit Greece, to build awareness among the international community of the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the wider Mediterranean area and in the Middle East that were strongly affecting Christian communities, but also had led to a major humanitarian crisis for desperate refugees seeking a better future in Europe.
A Greek Church statement said that the Holy Synod had accepted the proposal for the Pope to visit an Aegean island because it would be a one-day, non-protocol and “clear humanitarian and symbolic visit”.
The Holy Synod decided to propose a visit to Lesbos, which it described as one of the many islands that had deeply experienced and still experienced the tragedy of the refugee problem.
It noted that this was at a time that Greece, in spite of major problems, was bearing on its shoulders the brunt of refugee flows.
“A Greece called upon to prove, even alone, that Europe principles and values still exist,” the Holy Synod said.
The Synod said that it further decided, especially given that the unity of the Orthodox Christian churches was being tested, to invite Ecumenical Patriarch Bartolomeos. In the world Orthodox Christian community, among the leaders of the church, the Ecumenical Patriarch is officially regarded as “first among equals”.
The personality and authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch, together with the gravity of the presence of Pope Francis, would send the world a very strong signal about alleviating the problems of refugees and simultaneously, a call for appropriate action to protect Christians suffering cruelly in the wider region of the Middle East, the Greek Church said.
No date for the visit has been announced but Greek media reports said that April 14 and 15 were possible dates.
Refugiați în Grecia, Idomeni, la graniță cu Macedonia
UPDATE( 10 aprilie):
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